Sunday, October 27, 2013

season of the witch

hello friends, it's been a while. are you still with me? i have been learning the ropes at being a new mama and working on other projects, but that hasn't stopped me from staying tuned to all that is radical and magical out there. but i have been needing the right form of energy to well up in order to share it and i think this is just the right moment. it's almost halloween!

cisthene has been my favorite go-to shop since it's inception last year. owner jen altman is near and dear to me since she photographed our wedding and is pretty much all kinds of fabulous when it comes to curating collections and having an eye for anything fierce. check out the shop and this new collection from black willow that is here just in time for all hallow's eve. and definitely do not overlook the stunning scarves she created from her gem and stone book photos. this is big time mineral forest action for sure.

as for this witch, i've got some things brewing so stay tuned, i promise i'll be back!