wandering down the market, the first stand that drew me in was the display of sprouts - all varieties, and i had to check it out. the lady proceeded to tell me all of the different kinds of sprouts she had, but honestly, i was so engrossed in the idea of having finally made it to the market and how it brought back so many memories of being in Healdsburg and being inspired by the daily fresh pickings, i phased out what she was saying. i remembered the mustard greens we used to make sandwiches and salads with. fading back into the present moment, i managed to record a couple of the names - alfalfa, bean, spicy mix - she said they would be great in a salad with tomatoes and I asked if she could prepare a mix for me, thinking of the last bits of butter lettuce i had in the fridge. i love simple salads. the simpler, the better. herbs and lettuce are my favorite. why not sprouts and lettuce?
off i went to venture through the rest of the market and then i saw these cherry heirloom tomatoes that looked divine. remembering the sprout lady's suggestion, i grabbed a bag of the mini tomatoes.
i am so thankful for that inspiration. why don't i do this all the time? the salad was perfection.
-prepare a simple vinaigrette in your favorite bowl large enough for the whole salad:
-red wine vinegar, olive oil, fresh cracked sea salt and the secret ingredient: fresh cracked citrus pepper
-cut cherry heirlooms in halves and toss in bowl
-add mix of sprouts
-tear some butter lettuce leaves into bowl
-toss all together
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